Category Archives: Dryers

Pros and Cons of Indirect and Direct Air Heating

GLM Luebbers utilizes spray dryers in a wide variety of applications. Spray dryers generally use hot air to evaporate moisture […]

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Demystifying Dehumidification and Drying Part 3: Cooling vs. Desiccant Dehumidification

Welcome back to Part 3 of our “as-of-yet undetermined number of parts” series on Dehumidification in Dryers! If you missed […]

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Explosions and Fires, an Unholy Alliance

Spray and fluidized bed dryers offer drying options for a huge variety of products and powders. These systems are well […]

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Demystifying Dehumidification and Drying Part 2: It’s Positively Psychrometric!

Welcome to Part Two of our series on Dehumidification in Dryer! If you missed  Part One where we discussed why […]

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Where there is smoke, there is fire

Spray- and fluidized bed dryers offer drying options for a vast variety of products and powders. A large group of […]

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Demystifying Dehumidification and Drying Part 1: Why Dry the Drying Air?

As high summer begins to bring its heat and humidity in the Northern Hemisphere, many spray drying facilities have moved […]

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Dryer Safety – Explosion Protection

More and more, the safety around spray drying systems is becoming a paramount concern to producers of all kinds. With […]

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Direct vs Indirect Fired Heaters for Spray Dryers

The question of direct or indirect fired spray dryers is one that is starting to be asked in the United […]

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Benefits of Dehumidification of Drying Process Air

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GLM Hydro Dryer Problem Solving: –One of the easiest ways to improve stability and increase the capacity of a drying system […]

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Capacity Improvement of your Existing Falling Film Evaporator with a Potential Increase on the Dryer Output

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GLM Hydro Evaporator Problem Solving: –There are several ways you can improve the overall evaporation capacity of your evaporator and […]

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